Music and Drama Magic (Full Day) 2016

Summer Program

Discover the magical world of drama and song as we create and perform a musical in just five days!  Acting, singing, prop and costume-making are all part of the fun.  

Check out our facebook page, Music and Drama Magic at the Beckett School.

You can call 519 578-3640 to have your name put on the list or click here for registration form.

Term Description: 

Camp dates are July 11 - 15 and August 22 - 26, 9 am - 4 pm

7-13 years
$240 ($220 if you register before June 1, 2015) includes all materials. If you sign up for both camps get them at $220 each.
The Beckett School at Laurier, Pioneer Park Branch
68 Biehn Drive
Phone: 519 578-3640


Namesort descending
Beckett School Instructor Catherine Gardner. Catherine Gardner
9 weeks of 30 mins. ($260) 45 mins. ($390) 60 mins. ($520)
Beckett School Instructor Mark Gardner. Mark Gardner
9 weeks of 30 mins. ($248) 45 mins. ($372) 60 mins. ($496)